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- Quake redone Quick
- The Movie
- ------------------
- (0) Index
- (1) Introduction
- (2) Installation and running
- (2.1) Quick overview
- (2.2) Details
- (2.3) Strange Utility
- (2.4) Troubleshooting
- (2.5) The menu interface
- (2.6) Option keys
- (2.7) Known playback problems
- (3) Statistics
- (3.1) Time tables
- (3.2) Miscelaneous stuff
- (4) Credits and contact info
- (5) Last words
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (1) Introduction
- Well, here it is - finally!
- Ladies and gentleman, I've left you suffering long enough! Here is what you've
- been waiting for so tensefully lately: Quake redone Quick - The Movie. I
- apologize for all the delays and wrong promises, and believe that the result
- was most probably worth waiting for!
- Yet, I have to address a few people with thank-sayings at this point. First
- of all, I want to thank the Academy, for making all that possible! Thanks also
- to mom and dad, who supported me along my way as an actor. And I want to thank
- god and jesus, and I love you all. Thanks!
- ***
- Seriously, welcome to Quake redone Quick - The Movie! This is a hot piece of
- Quake-machinima and -gameplay, completing the game on the hardest possible
- skill level in only 13:11 minutes. You don't believe me? Uhh, well you do.
- Allright, I suppose you must have seen something similar to this before
- already. Who has not, prepare yourself for some mind-boggling experience!
- First I wanted to write something personal in this introduction, express the
- first feelings after finishing my baby, QrdQ. Unfortunately, I can't say I've
- got the freedom of relaxing right now, and let those expressions settle. Maybe
- I will be able to write something more personal in the homepage-update which
- announces this run later today, or if anything fails, read the history-section
- in the FAQ which may include this or that personal detail about the background
- of this project as well!
- But now, I'll just shut up and let you explore the release by your own. Have
- fun!
- (2) Installation
- (2.1) Quick overview
- Most of the general handling should be self-explaining, so here's a basic
- guide through the installation, which should be all most of you would require:
- Win32/MS-DOS:
- 1) Find your main Quake directory
- 2) Create a sub-directory called "QRDQ"
- 3) Extract everything you've downloaded into that directory
- 4) Run QRDQ.BAT (crucial! do not run Quake at once)
- Linux:
- 1) Extract the downloaded archive: tar xzvf qrdq_linux.tgz
- 2) Make sure you've rooted your Quake dir properly - write permission required
- 3) Run the install script: ./setup.sh
- 4) Remove the now unneeded install script: rm setup.sh
- 5) Start Quake using the QrdQ path: quake -game qrdq
- Amiga:
- 1) Make sure you have 110 Mb temporary diskpace available for installation
- 2) Simply click on the "QrdQ_amiga_setup" icon
- 3) Enter the location of your Quake drawer
- 4) Chose a samplerate for the music/FX (see help button for more info)
- 5) Run Quake with the command-line parameter "-game QrdQ"
- Mac (first person version only!):
- 1) Find your main Quake directory
- 2) Create a sub-directory called "QRDQ"
- 3) Extract everything you've downloaded into that directory
- 4) Rename FIRST.PAK to PAK0.PAK
- 5) Start Quake and press the option-key
- 6) Enter "-game qrdq" as command-line parameter
- (2.2) Details
- In order to install QrdQ, you will first need to find your main Quake
- directory. This probably has the name "Quake" and will contain such items as
- your Quake executable programs (QUAKE.EXE, GLQUAKE.EXE etc.) and your ID1
- subdirectory.
- You should make a subdirectory of this main directory. Give it the name
- "QRDQ". In MS-DOS, you can do this by changing to your main Quake directory
- and then typing "md qrdq" at the prompt.
- Four different .zip files are available for your download. For each, there's
- also a smaller .dz version available instead. Included in every download are
- several batch- and text-files, as well as some executables - read more about
- that further below.
- Here is a summary of the different downloads. It reviews the contents of the
- ZIPs and shows how you can handle any upgrades you make.
- 1) QRDQ_FULL.ZIP - This is everything in one bundle.
- (11.0 MB) It consists of a QRDQ.PAK containing the movie along with
- QRDQ_FULL.DZ sound-fx, the first-person demos and various extras.
- (6.97 MB) Unzip everything into your QRDQ sub-directory, and head
- on over to section 2.3!
- Total size of installation: 64 MB
- 2) QRDQ.ZIP - This is the main movie release.
- (8.24 MB) It consists of a MOVIE.PAK containing the movie along
- QRDQ.DZ with sound-fx and various extras. Unzip everything into
- (5.73 MB) your QRDQ sub-directory, and head on over to section 2.3!
- To add first-person demos to this version, download
- QRDQ_1311.ZIP and unzip it into your QRDQ sub-directory,
- thus placing the FIRST.PAK the upgrade contains alongside
- your existing files.
- Total size of installation: 52 MB
- 3) QRDQ_1311.ZIP - These are the plain first-person demos.
- (3.37 MB) It's basically just the FIRST.PAK which contains the
- QRDQ_1311.DZ first-person demos and the menu, and which can be run
- (1.81 MB) independently - on any platform. Just unzip it into a
- subdirectory of Quake, rename FIRST.PAK to PAK0.PAK and
- run Quake using the command-line parameter
- "-game <foldername>".
- If you however want to upgrade it with the movie-version,
- download QRDQ.ZIP and unzip it into that subdirectory,
- thus placing the MOVIE.PAK the upgrade contains alongside
- your existing files. NOTE: In the case of an update, the
- compatibility-rules will equal those for the movie- and
- full-version again! Due, the FIRST.PAK should go by it's
- original name again in this case. (refer section 2.3)
- Total size of installation: 13 MB
- 4) WIN2K_PATCH.ZIP - This is the Windows 2000 patch which is working without
- (2.47 KB) the CHOICE command QRDQ.BAT makes use of, but which is
- not included in Win2K anymore. Detailed instructions on
- the patch and it's usage can be found in the included
- 5) QRDQ_LINUX.TGZ - This is the full-version release for Linux.
- (11.2 MB) It contains of an install-script SETUP.SH and all the
- QrdQ files as open source included in PAKTREE.TAR, if you
- want to take it this way :) Just run the shell-script and
- you will be guided through the installation-process,
- which also requires some additional outer house utilities
- - detailed information on that can be found below and in
- the README.LINUX textfile. You can skip all the stuff
- from section 2.3!
- Total size of installation: 40/64 MB
- 6) QRDQ_AMIGA.LHA - This is the full-version release for the Amiga.
- (11.7 MB) It contains of an installer QRDQ_AMIGA_SETUP and all the
- QrdQ files as open source. Just click on the icon and
- you will be guided through the installation-process,
- which also requires some additional outer house utilities
- - detailed information on that can be found below and in
- the README.AMIGA textfile. You can skip all the stuff
- from section 2.3!
- Total size of installation: 40/64 MB
- Note: it doesn't matter if a few files get overwritten incase of an upgrade to
- the full version, by either adding the movie-version to the first-person demos
- or the other way around. All files which have the same name do usually also
- have equal content! Oh, and of course an upgrade to the full-version does
- support every feature of the 'plain' full-version as well - so if you are not
- sure wether you want to start with the huge 11 MB download instantly, you
- might get the version you are more interested in seperately first!
- (2.3) Strange Utility
- Both the full- and the movie-version of QrdQ for Win32/MS-DOS come with
- Strange Company's "Strange Utility" and it's accompanying textfiles, which is
- required to install these two packages and the add-on. Not only that, but
- during this process, a small patch will also have to be executed to one of the
- files, so the best thing for you to do would be to simply run QRDQ.BAT, which
- sets up everything automatically. Windows 2000 users will have to replace the
- batch-file with a new one though - refer to WIN2KFIX.TXT please!
- (2.4) Troubleshooting
- The good boy stops reading at this point and is satisfied.
- The bad boy however encounters problems using QRDQ.BAT and has to follow these
- more detailed instructions on how to install the movie manually. Be warned
- that you are acting on your own permission, and this step should only be taken
- incase you are aware of what you're doing!
- 1) Go to the subdirectory you created for QRDQ. Run "STRANGE.BAT <parameter>"
- just as many times as necessary, where <parameter> is supposed to contain
- one of the following values:
- QRDQ - incase you've downloaded and extracted the full-version of QrdQ,
- recognizeable by the QRDQ.PAK file located in your QRDQ folder.
- MOVIE - incase you've downloaded and extracted the movie-version of QrdQ,
- recognizeable by the MOVIE.PAK file located in your QRDQ folder.
- SPEECH - incase you've downloaded and extracted the speech-addon,
- recognizeable by the SPEECH.PAK file located in your QRDQ folder.
- It is important that you run STRANGE.BAT directly from the QRDQ directory,
- otherwise the script-processing will screw up!
- Do not try to process the scripts by hand, since then you missed out the
- important patch and QrdQ won't run properly!!
- 2) Rename all the PAK files hierarchic (pak0.pak, pak1.pak, ...). Possible
- (speak: none-pointless) combinations are
- as well as QRDQ.PAK, FIRST.PAK or MOVIE.PAK seperately.
- 3) Start Quake using the command-line parameter "-game qrdq", maybe also ex-
- tended by an increased "-zone" setting, e.g. "-zone 1024" should be enough.
- (2.5) The menu interface
- The run is played from a menu interface, so that you can choose to play the
- whole run, or individual episodes, or individual levels - optionally in re-
- filmed mode. Using the menus should be mostly self-explanatory, except the
- super-duper-secret menu which only appears once you type the mega-ultra-secret
- code :)
- I also included some commentary on the demos that you may wish to turn on and
- read if you want to know what I have to say about the levels.
- (2.6) Option keys
- There are several special keys you can use whilst a demo is playing:
- [F1] decrease viewsize
- [F2] increase viewsize
- [F3] turn volume down
- [F4] turn volume up
- [F5] lower detail level
- [F6] higher detail level
- [F7] define brightness (GLQuake: define water-transparence)
- [F8] toggle performance-graph on/off (GLQuake: toggle shadows on/off)
- [F9] advance to the next level (e.g. if playing an episode run)
- [F10] stop playback and return to the menu
- [F11] start/stop menu sound (no effect during playback)
- [F12] quit Quake immediately
- I guess that F9 and F10 are of the most importance for you; everything else
- does only exist in case that you disagree with the default settings ;)
- (2.7) Known playback problems
- Mac-users are unfortunately irrefutably limited to the first-person version.
- Under MS-DOS, you might want to get CWSDPMI first, in order to increase your
- DPMI memory, which is required by Strange Utility.
- For the Linux-version you will have to have "mpg123" and "sox" installed on
- to successfully install QrdQ. Find out more about that in the README.LINUX
- textfile!
- On the Amiga, "MPEGA" is the program required to install QrdQ. Find more about
- this in the README.AMIGA textfile!
- If there's anything else which bothers to trouble you (about QrdQ installation
- at least ;), I'll be there trying to sort things out. Make sure you've gone
- through all the available textfiles first, though!
- (3) Statistics
- (3.1) Time tables
- All maps were run on Skill 3 (Nightmare)
- Saved = saved time over the original 14:32 run
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Level Map Time Saved
- -------------------------------------------------------
- The Slipgate Complex E1M1 0:27 0:01
- Castle Of The Damned E1M2 0:34 0:02
- The Necropolis E1M3 0:27 0:06
- The Grisly Grotto E1M4 0:13 0:01
- Gloom Keep E1M5 0:15 0:00
- The Door To Chthon E1M6 0:10 0:01
- The House Of Chthon E1M7 0:21 0:03
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Episode One: Dimension Of The Doomed 2:27 0:14
- -------------------------------------------------------
- The Installation E2M1 0:08 0:01
- The Ogre Citadel E2M2 0:49 0:01
- The Crypt Of Decay E2M3 0:19 0:02
- The Ebon Fortress E2M4 0:48 0:10
- The Wizard's Manse E2M5 0:37 0:06
- The Dismal Oubliette E2M6 1:18 0:02
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Episode Two: The Realm Of Black Magic 3:59 0:22
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Termination Central E3M1 0:28 0:13
- The Vaults Of Zin E3M2 0:27 0:01
- The Tomb Of Terror E3M3 0:26 0:01
- Satan's Dark Delight E3M4 0:27 0:03
- The Wind Tunnels E3M5 0:38 0:06
- The Chambers Of Torment E3M6 0:29 0:02
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Episode Three: The Netherworld 2:55 0:26
- -------------------------------------------------------
- The Sewage System E4M1 0:19 0:00
- The Tower Of Despair E4M2 0:34 0:09
- The Elder God Shrine E4M3 0:44 0:04
- The Palace Of Hate E4M4 0:23 0:02
- Hell's Atrium E4M5 0:08 0:02
- The Pain Maze E4M6 0:25 0:00
- Azure Agony E4M7 0:44 0:02
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Episode Four: The Elder World 3:17 0:19
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Shub-Niggurath's Pit END 0:33 0:00
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Complete run through Quake 13:11 1:21
- -------------------------------------------------------
- (3.2) Miscelaneous stuff
- Average time for a level: 0:29
- episode 1 levels: 0:21
- episode 2 levels: 0:40
- episode 3 levels: 0:29
- episode 4 levels: 0:28
- American McGee's levels: 0:23
- Tim Willits' levels: 0:25
- Sandy Petersen's levels: 0:30
- John Romero's levels: 0:37
- Number of grenadeboosts received: 35
- Number of rocketboosts received: 24
- Of all those, supported by a monster: 20
- Time elapsed whilst processing all camera files: 12:56
- Time required to run the camera file on end.dem: 4:17
- Time wasted on getting all these silly stats: priceless
- (4) Credits and contact info
- Running, filming, production and testing by Ingmar "Nagasaki" Poerner
- <Nagasaki@PlanetQuake.com>
- <http://www.PlanetQuake.com/illmind/>
- Menu map with accompanying QuakeC and sound-patch by Attila Csernyik
- Demo-stretching and technical support over the years by Stefan Schwoon
- Banjo tune and helping out with more sound-problems by Anthony Oetzmann
- Recorded were the demos by me alone, but only my contact with QdQ made it
- possible to take advantage of internal route-discussions, unreleased tools
- and support in general.
- If you want to have some more information about the people who helped me
- with this project, refer to the FAQ!
- (6) Last words
- I want to say thanks to everybody who helped me with this project, and be it
- alone by not claiming me mad :) There're just too much to mention right now,
- but if you are not listed below and consider yourself a friend of mine, you
- won't care anyways.
- A special mention deserves Johannes Bock, who always encouraged, criticized
- and listened to me. Without you, I might have dropped the whole project a long
- time ago. Although you never got around downloading ICQ, #nagasaki rules!!
- Then there's Ilkka, who hosted one of the most awesome events in my life:
- SpeedCon 2000. I had a really great time in Finland, and all of you QdQ guys
- just rock in your very own way!
- Of course I won't override Marlo, who made it possible to repeat the event in
- 2001, and went sure we had loads of fun there as well!
- You guys also introduced me to some of the most ILL-MINDED Drum'n'Bass tracks
- around, and such I enjoy the music big time nowadays! (Jesse - please also
- feel addressed.)
- Thanks also to the whole PlanetQuake staff for hosting me! Chris, you were
- very patient, and I appreciate this!
- The 'lost souls' of the 62 crew: keep on reminding me that I've still got a
- real-life somewhere lying around :) I'm sorry if I've neglected our friendship
- during the last few months too much - hope that will change soon!
- Finally, the one and only: Lina, for making me stronger, and the other tiny
- things a man requires from time to time ;) You were so tolerant concerning
- Quake/QrdQ, even if you could have made me stop it if you wanted... love you!
- I want to kazumsihtrofdogknaht, since that's what keeps me alive.
- Comments are very welcome: <mailto:Nagasaki@PlanetQuake.com>
- I hope you enjoy my run!
- ***
- -[AK]Nagasaki 2001/9/13 (updated: 2001/12/24)
- http://www.PlanetQuake.com/illmind